4NOMORE.ZIP 5,632 09-09-95 A Bizarre95 4kb contribution
95EQCA17.ZIP 106,412 05-02-95 CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 17,1995.
95EQCA18.ZIP 56,799 05-09-95 CDMG Earthquake Maps and Reports for Week 18,1995.
95EQCA23.ZIP 106,594 06-09-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA24.ZIP 118,094 06-16-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endin
95EQCA25.ZIP 108,555 06-23-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA26.ZIP 111,581 06-30-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA27.ZIP 108,645 07-18-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA28.ZIP 112,059 07-18-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA31.ZIP 107,939 08-04-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endi
95EQCA32.ZIP 110,375 08-11-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endin
95EQCA33.ZIP 111,316 08-18-95 California and World Earthquakes Week endin
A95INV.ZIP 743,009 07-11-95 ASSEMBLY '95 INVITATION INTRO Finalinformation about ASM'95
ABD95INV.ZIP 212,326 05-07-95 FINAL INVITATION TO ABDUCTION '95 with mapAbduction '95 will be held at 9th - 11thof June In Rovaniemi, northern city of Finland
ABETHER.ZIP 65,524 09-10-95 Live at.. Bizarre95! Release 64k Intro Comp.
ACME-BYN.ZIP 55,175 07-09-95 Blow your nose, and use it for an intro
ACME-SYW.ZIP 59,150 07-09-95 SmokeYellowWeed and win an introcompo,we did
AMENDINO.ZIP 494,610 08-13-95 DEMO: Dino! - By A-Men [ASM95] <SDC>
AN-MOD0.ZIP 345,358 07-10-95 Analogue presents a SiH'95 demo -= MODEL 0 =-386+ / VGA / GUS
ASM95V11.ZIP 14,553 05-12-95 Assembly Organizing brings you PREINVITATIONINFO FILE version 1.1
AZSN35.ZIP 519,926 06-21-95 Amazing(Seasons, v3.5) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256)color. Amazing(Seasons) is a screen saverwhere you can experience a variety of amazingviews under different Seasons: happy birds
sing and glide over rivers and forest. Cloudswind amo mountains..
AZ_CK38.ZIP 1213,544 07-26-95 Amazing(Clock, v3.8) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and VGA (256)color. Amazing(Clock) is a screen saver wheretime is told by wonderful mountain views:happy eagles sing and glide over rivers and
forest. That is, views will be changed everytwo hours to indicate time according to REALtime.
B!LAST.ZIP 19,231 09-03-95 o3.o9 BL OO D' 95 tRc BM
B!MORE.ZIP 18,155 09-02-95 o2.o9 BL OO D' 95 tRc BM
BAKEV100.ZIP 16,201 05-22-95 Easier to use "make" replacement for GCCunder EMX. Very handy and Free.
CT090695.ZIP 3,292 09-12-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 8/31-9/6, 1995
CT091395.GIF 11,264 09-19-95 CalTech Earthquake Map for 9/7-9/13 1995
CT091395.ZIP 2,892 09-19-95 CalTech Earthquake Report for 9/7-9/13 1995
CURRED.ZIP 7,755 05-16-95 Essentially, the CurrencyEdit field is a modiin keyboard restrictions, so the user cannotWhen the user leaves the field, the number isappropriately. You can left-, center-, or rig
you can also specify its display format - see
CURSE31.ZIP 146,728 05-17-95 CURSES! v3.1. Rosemary West <ASP>. Humorous,creative "insult generator" with a differenttwist. A single keystroke switches frominsults to compliments! This version alsocreates whacky food ideas. Phrases are
generated from your vivid vocabulary! Becauseyou control the contents, the program cangenerate descriptive phrases on any subject.
DEAPARCA.ZIP 1095,332 08-11-95 DEMO: Dea Parca - By Underworld Corporation[ASM95] <SDC>
DIVINE.ZIP 69,243 09-09-95 F A T A L J U S T I C E
DRSTALK6.ZIP 130,707 09-19-95 DRAGONSALKER Demo - Now Revision 6
EPI-CB95.ZIP 265,853 09-11-95 "Club Bizarre95", gift release by Bert[Epinicion/PositiveNoise] Bizarre95 MusicCompo - The Netherlands Club house XM /16-bit / 16 channels Remix of the earlierreleased 8bit tune
EXPRESSN.ZIP 297,175 06-12-95 [Released at NAiD APRAXiA '95] P R E S E N T S
FAGENT10.ZIP 731,573 07-06-95 version 1.0 of free agent
FBK2RBM.ZIP 96,436 09-18-95 Andy DuPlain's program to convert Fritzpower-books to Rebel 7 format
FIREW197.ZIP 282,790 07-17-95 FIREFIGHTER for windows. Fire Dept. recordtracking database. Tracks incident, training,maintenance and roster records along withwage and/or honourarium records. Many otherfeatures.
FM-LOTUS.ZIP 2627,531 09-13-95 'lotus position.' a brand new musicdisk withall new tracks composed by basehead / fmalmost 1 hour of music an F M
FR_DEBUT.ZIP 52,862 05-01-95 A FracTion production DEBUT At last thisintro is released: Most late intro -9530.04-95
FUDGE.ZIP 395,286 07-29-95 DEMO: The recipe - By Fudge [SE95] <SDC>
GF_RAISE.ZIP 131,865 09-07-95 CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /CoMPoSeR..............G-FoRCeNaMe.........RaiSe 'eM HiGHeRTyPe......................S3M
HAUSH340.ZIP 147,616 05-02-95 Haushalt 3.40 - Ein elegantes, handliches Hau
HEBWFW5.ZIP 909,794 07-18-95 Patch to Install HEBWARPD on >500mb IDE HD
IMG_MARY.ZIP 56,106 09-10-95 Fresh from BZR95 INTROcompo Mary Poppins
IN_RN18.ZIP 348,343 07-26-95 Incredible(Rain, v1.8) screen saver Need:Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256)color. Incredible(Rain) is a screen saverwhere you can experience a variety of amazingviews under different Seasons: happy birds
sing and glide over rivers and forest. Cloudswind amo mountains...This part, Rain, willshow you a very clear world when raining.
ITP.ZIP 1250,482 08-02-95 DEMO: Into the pentagram by Paradise
JL_FT28.ZIP 354,720 07-26-95 Jurassic Land(Forest, v2.8) screen saverNeed: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA(256 colors). Jurassic Land(Forest) is ascreen saver where you can experience ajurassic evening with dinosaures
JOINT.ZIP 54,837 09-10-95 TRYBIT & TRANCE : present : 'JOINT venture' :: a 64Kb intro for the compo at BIZARRE'95
JUST.ZIP 433,713 09-10-95 DEMO: Just some effects - By TKB [BIZ95] <SD
KIDDK12.ZIP 228,826 05-18-95 KIDDisk is a must for every parent! Easy tomake child identification disk. Designed toprovide a current record, including anup-to-date photo, of your child or otherloved one. If necessary, law enforcement or
other agencies can use the disk to speedrecovery of a loved one. Completely private.Developed with the assistance & approval ofvarious law enforcement agencies. Type GO touse. VGA required,
KX_HRNCE.ZIP 169,029 09-17-95 CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /CoMPoSeR...............KaoTiXNaMe......HaRDCoRe ReSiSTaNCeTyPe......................S3M
LD5FINAL.ZIP 537,442 05-02-95 DEMO: Lethal Display 5 - FINAL - By Bonzai <S
LGM_KOSM.ZIP 1034,449 08-13-95 DEMO: ASM'95 demo - By Kosmic <SDC>
LIBDEMO.ZIP 189,752 06-14-95 Demo of pcb component library for pcad.
LIFE!!.ZIP 276,791 09-10-95 DEMO: Live - By Widget & Malvern [BIZ95] <SDC
LPLTINFO.ZIP 17,521 09-18-95 Some Metafiles for LlinePlot
MACH64D1.ZIP 1280,212 05-04-95 ATI video card drivers, v1.53, May 95, Disk 1
MARNAV45.ZIP 70,928 08-27-95 MARNAV.EXE V4.5 <ASP><ASAD>- A program toconvert LAT/LON (GPS) to LORAN delays andvice versa. The program also calculates head-ing and distance from point A to point B withthe locations specified in either GPS or
LORAN coordinates. Time/Speed/Distance calcu-lations are performed with optional hard copyfor all functions. Editor allows entry of newLORAN Chains.
MASS-ARF.ZIP 731,212 09-18-95 M A S S i V E presents - -=> A R A B I C U M<=- - This demo became 2nd at the Bizarre'95Demo-Compo - Final bugfixed version!
MIGHTY.ZIP 1052,618 08-03-95 DEMO: MIGHTY by X-TACY
NOOON_ST.ZIP 1631,576 08-14-95 DEMO: Stars - By Nooon [ASM95] <SDC>
NPRM9511.ZIP 183,219 09-20-95 FAA: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)95-11 SUMMARY: This action proposes to revisethe Federal Aviation Regulations thatprescribe the certification and trainingrequirements for pilots, flight instructors,
and ground instructors and the operation ofpilot schools approved by the FAA. In orderto be more compatible with the currentoperating environment and the evolvingdemands of the National Airspace System.
NSDEMO.ZIP 479,562 08-02-95 DEMO: An0ther dem0 - By Nimbus <SDC>
PICKLINE.ZIP 12,719 05-12-95 PICKLINE V0.0 Written by Brian Buchanan Readsin a text file and outputs a single linethat's chosen at random. Uses STDIN/OUT aswell as command line parameters. ie. PICKLINE<IN.TXT >OUT.TXT or PICKLINE IN.TXT OUT.TXT
PMVIDEO.ZIP 21,410 09-18-95 Shows your Video Resolution & otherConfiguration Data.
PRINCE.ZIP 2303,315 05-03-95 Prince Machiavelli ,demo
PSDTINY.ZIP 7,505 09-09-95 4kb Bizarre'95 - PseudoTiny by Fatal Justice
PUKER.ZIP 824,515 09-09-95 DEMO: Puker - By Success [BIZ95] <SDC>
PURE-IN2.ZIP 830,794 09-14-95 CM
PURE-LSD.ZIP 53,705 07-10-95 DEMO: Intro from SIH'95 - By PURE <SDC>
RAF-TRN1.ZIP 1135,429 09-18-95 First Transmissionmusic-disk from R.A.F. featuring 11 songswith total playing time 55 minutes ! \_____[(C) 1995 ]______/ part 1 of 2
RAF-TRN2.ZIP 1055,963 09-18-95 First Transmissionmusic-disk from R.A.F. featuring 11 songswith total playing time 55 minutes ! \_____[(C) 1995 ]______/ part 2 of 2
RBS-REME.ZIP 174,564 09-14-95 THE REBELS PARTY iN STOCKHOLM 1995 [01/01]PARTY REMEDY The first invitation intro
REBDECAD.ZIP 539,309 08-18-95 Full version of REBEL 6.0 (not a demo!), ELO2200 (USCF 2320). All database and analysisoptions, 3 good opening books, inside theprogram 5 languages are supported (English,German, French, Spanish and Dutch). 3 complet
manuals (as files) are available (English,German and Dutch). Replaces the REBEL60.ZIPdemo. From the author, Eduard Schroder.
RIKITRO.ZIP 30,715 09-11-95 RELEASE THE RIKIKITRO (20 ko) CREDITS:ShoCkeR-Tyby-Teo-Maf-Na$ty/Pagan
ROD_PC.ZIP 3537,888 06-15-95 Time-Out with Rodney Dangerfield Demo Version1.0 Created by:Odyssey Interactive Inc.Preview of Time-Out with Rodney Dangerfieldscreen saver.
R_DEMOGR.ZIP 204,730 06-06-95 S3M: Demographics - By Replay/Ambi <SDC>
SCMK001X.ZIP 158,178 09-19-95 SCMK v0.01 - Silicon Creations Make UtilitiesThis archive contains all utilities that arerequired by all Silicon Creations softwaredistributions. Utilities such as 'rm', 'cp',
'mv', 'dmake' come in executable form and witmanuals. Some utilities come with source codeCopyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. SlantchevThis file is part of the PB-GNU Project
SLOSH.ZIP 68,682 09-12-95 Presents : Slosh A 64 Kb Intro for Odyssey 95
SMARTEN.ZIP 96,996 10-02-94 Smart10 - X10 CP290 Home Automation schedulersystem. Provides sophisticated scheduling.Extra features provided include Sunrise,Sunset as times, Date ranges for which eventwill be active, arbitrary conditions
including Light and Dark to modify theschedule. Smart10 supports sending immediatecommands including canceling sheduled events.
SOCAL.ZIP 1970,029 07-18-95 Socal '95 - TOTAL PACK - Includes Music andDemo's from the Socal'95 Party <SDC>
SOLNOP3K.ZIP 4,368 09-11-95 3kb, a 4kb intro by SOL/NOP placed __ on TheOdyssey 1995
SPL-FREE.ZIP 488,430 09-13-95 CReaToRS oF MuSiCaL DiSaSTeRS /CoMPoSeR.............SPLiNTERNaMe..............SeT ya FReeTyPe.......................XM
SPRING_.ZIP 4,592 05-13-95 LOGICDESIGN S P R I N G !
STARS3D.ZIP 393,696 06-13-95 Animation which depicts a view of theinstellar neighborhood surrounding the Sunout to 6 parsecs or 19.56 light years.
SURVYW15.ZIP 277,732 07-15-95 Creates opinion surveys and analyzes replies.Prints detailed report. Computes percentagesfor multiple-choice and rank order questions.Supports demographic group separations and
cross-tabulation of responses from differentgroups.
T&TBIZAR.ZIP 41,205 09-16-95 INTRO: Bizarre'95 Report with adlib music byT&T
TMT_BLDN.ZIP 86,293 05-07-95 Thaumaturge Presents: Beter Laat Dan Nooitour 1. year
TRIANGLE.ZIP 684,921 06-01-95 Big r i a n g l e emo Super high speedinteractive 3D render demo with objectmanipulation Many nice objects - cool technomusic Use subparts as 3d-video benchmark (C)FM95
TSHIRT10.ZIP 1323,612 07-28-95 FREE SOFTWARE: T-SHIRT MAKER 1.0 lets youcreate custom T-shirts without leaving yourcomputer: 1) DESIGN IT with TSM's specialfeatures and 100 graphics (or import yourown), 2) ORDER IT via modem with a single
click, 3) GET IT back fast from our factory.Your design is reproduced in brilliant coloron brand name tees for as little as $14.95each. FULLY GUARANTEED. TSM is based on thecritically acclaimed Gift Maker. For Windows.
TV.ZIP 673,802 08-12-95 DEMO: Television - By Orange [ASM95] <SDC>
TWDDL100.ZIP 7,188 06-02-95 Utility for scribblers and fidgets
UNTITLED.ZIP 850,177 05-23-95 A Dust-Production Bugfixed-Release 2/1/1994
USGS0426.ZIP 66,224 05-01-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for4/20-4/26 1995.
USGS0510.ZIP 67,944 05-13-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for 5/4-5/10
USGS0607.ZIP 66,044 06-16-95 USGS Earthquake Maps and Reports for 6/1-6/7,1995
USRAT99.ZIP 1948,154 09-04-95 US Rating Calculator for Windows.
VAL_FMF.ZIP 128,674 05-11-95 Valhalla present Fluid Motion - Final versionRequires 386, 486DX recomended now supportsSoundblaster / Pro !! also has the original,non cut-down music ! Released 10th May 1995
VAL_OS2.ZIP 516,167 05-24-95 OS/2 Warp demo by Valhalla DEMO COMPO 1stplace in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo
VCRPLUS.ZIP 34,949 05-31-95 VCRPLUS Version 1.1 DECODE and ENCODE VCRPLUS codes. Includes C source code. Compiledwith BC++ 3.1.
VE30DEMO.ZIP 930,451 05-15-95 Vocal-Eyes demo package. Includes alldocumentation and all synthesizer drivers.
W95INV10.ZIP 22,035 05-30-95 Pre-Invitation Text File WiRED 1995 WiRED'95is on the Way! Belgium's Biggest Party!
WAPS11OU.ZIP 384,696 05-15-95 WAPS Statistics Calculator - assists militarypersonnel in determining their currentpromotion standing.
WIN9101.ZIP 184,123 07-01-95 Windows & OS/2 specific catalog of sharewarepublished by members of the Association ofShareware Professionals (ASP) and availableon BBSs. Describes each product and in many
cases identifies a specific BBS where you candownload it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (Seecorresponding WUPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.)4th vol., 19th ed., published 07/01/1995
WIZINTRO.ZIP 108,514 05-07-95 Fantastic new multimedia experience Eye andEar candy original from WizWare.
X10DATA1.ZIP 25,396 10-03-93 Collection of text files, data sheets anddiscussion about the X-10 power controlsystem.
X10DC160.ZIP 254,819 10-11-94 X10DC v1.60 - X10 Direct Control - Sendcommands to the X10 CP290 Controller. Point &Click DOS character interface. Supports:ON/OFF/DIM + 5 UNDOCUMENTED CP290 X-10Commands,Self-Test,Set Base HouseCode,Set
X10EC120.ZIP 300,682 03-30-95 X10EC v1.20 - X10 Event Control - EventScheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller Point& Click DOS character interface. From theauthor of X10DC. Supports X10 DAT fileformat, 5 Undocumented CP290 Commands,
X10FAQ.ZIP 45,061 09-03-95 X10 FAQ version Aug 21, 1995
X10SOURC.ZIP 2,474 06-12-95 Survey of X-10 mail order prices in the US
X10WC100.ZIP 354,286 03-29-95 X10WC v1.00 - X-10 Windows Control.EventScheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller.Point & Click Windows interface. From theauthor of X10EC. Supports X10.DAT files, 5Undocumented CP290 Commands,
Sunset/Sunrise/DST, CP290 Self-Test, EventSort, Direct Commands & more. Can run as aDDE Server. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. CompuServeReg. ID# 5226 (GO SWREG).
X10XA300.ZIP 170,164 02-15-95 XA - X10 COMMAND INTERPRETER - VERSION 3.0Send X10 commands/events to CP-290 directlyfrom DOS prompt, batch file, or script file.Includes: IF/ELSE, Math/Logic operations,Input/Ouput to IO ports. Full DATE support,
Powerfailure Recovery, Menus/Function keys,Expanded programming, SUNRISE/SUNSET calcs,automatic DST, clock synchronization, reportgenerator. ALL FEATURES ENABLED! Registrationavail. via CompuServe or PsL.
X10XT200.ZIP 59,500 06-18-94 XT V2.0 - TSR FOR THE X10 COMPUTER INTERFACEDOS Terminate-Stay-Resident utility for theCP-290 allows sending ON-OFF-DIM commands toany X-10 device from instant pop-up menus. XTcontinously monitors the CP-290 for X10
activity and saves the status in its internaldatabase. A utility program called XTS hasaccess to this data and can display status ofindiv modules, housecodes, or all 256modules. Registration enables "errorlevel"
XLC_202.ZIP 25,508 06-06-95 THE COEXiSTENCE PRESENTS XLINK 2.02 byJinx!/TC
_TGMPLUS.ZIP 55,709 05-16-95 TGM+ A Game-Creator By VORTEC@This is a demo of a new game-creator byVORTEC@ that will make games better thanthose made by AGT and TADS!!! Full versiondue out after New Years 1996!